As per the JUDGEMENT of the Hon’ble HIGH COURT OF KERALA (RP No.437/2003) Political Activities, Politically Motivated Strikes, Dharnas, Gheraeos etc. are strictly BANNED in the CAMPUS of KMEA College of Arts College and Science ,Kuzhivelippady.. Appropriate DISCIPLINARY action will be taken against those students, who are violating the KMEA CAS CAMPUS RULES
Students are allowed in Campus only in their Full Uniform. They are instructed to wear compulsorily the prescribed mode of uniform at all times within the Campus. Jeans Apparels in any form are not be permitted during Class Days
Identity Cards are issued to each student, studying in KMEA College of Arts and Science, Kuzhivelipady. The students have to wear compulsorily, their Identity Cards, at all times, during the Class Days, with in the institution.
As per Govt .Order, RT No.346/05/H.Edn.dated 01-03-2005, Mobile Phones are strictly banned inside the College Campus. In case of violation, appropriate punishment will be taken by the disciplinary authority against such students. All the teachers of the institution have been given the authority to Impound Mobile Phones from the students with in the campus.
Ragging is a Criminal Offence. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the Campus as per the “Kerala Ragging Prohibition Act of 1998”.Students are strictly warned not to indulge in any ragging activity in KMEA College of arts and Science, directly or indirectly, as it is a serious Offence. An Anti Ragging Committee is effectively functioning within the institution every year.
Students are seriously and strictly warned against the Consumption of Liquors, Narcotic Drugs and other Intoxicating Substances; inside the Campus and in College Hostels. Those who violate the College Rules will have to face severe punishment from the College Authorities (including Immediate Expulsion from College)